PETCapybara and the Crucial Importance of Protected Species in Nature

Capybara and the Crucial Importance of Protected Species in Nature

Welcome to Fairness Magazine, where we are committed to promoting environmental protection and the preservation of protected animal species. Today, for this reason, we will explore the wonderful world of the Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), the largest rodent in the world. Lately (let’s say for the past year), a cute-faced rodent has been going viral on the web, especially on TikTok, seen happily living a carefree life with its friends (who can forget the video of the Capybara comfortably lounging on the crocodile…). The music accompanying this curious animal is a catchy jingle of its name repeated amusingly (Ca Py Bara… Ca Py Bara…). So, dear friends, young and old, today we will analyze where they live, their habitat, eating habits, conservation status, and legal restrictions regarding their ownership as pets (prohibited in Italy).


The Capybara is native to South America and is widespread in many countries in this region, including Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Guyana, and many others. These animals are closely associated with aquatic environments and are often spotted in marshy areas, savannas, and tropical forests. Did you know that Capybaras spend much of their lives near water? In fact, they are excellent swimmers and dive to escape predators or search for food.

Habits and Conduct

Capybaras are social animals and live in groups called “bands” or “herds”. These groups typically consist of 10-30 individuals, with a well-defined hierarchical structure. This sociability is important for their survival as they help each other in searching for food and protecting themselves from predators. Additionally, they are diurnal animals, active during the day, and spend a lot of time swimming or basking in the sun to regulate their body temperature.


Capybaras are herbivores and primarily feed on grasses, aquatic plants, and vegetation near riverbanks and lakeshores. This fiber-rich diet requires them to consume large quantities of food every day. Their feeding habits have a positive impact on the ecosystem, as they help control the growth of aquatic plants and maintain the balance of the aquatic habitat.

Conservation and Protection Status

Capybaras are not currently classified as endangered species, but they are protected by local and national laws in many countries where they are found. These laws prohibit hunting and the illegal trade of Capybara and regulate their sustainable management. It is important to maintain these protective measures to ensure the survival of this species and the maintenance of balance in freshwater ecosystems.

Respecting the Environment with Fairness Magazine

Fairness Magazine is a passionate advocate for environmental protection and safeguarding endangered animal species. We promote responsible conservation and emphasize the importance of respecting laws and regulations that protect species like the Capybara. Respecting the environment is essential to ensure a sustainable future for all creatures sharing our planet, and the Capybara, inhabiting the freshwater ecosystems of South America, with its admirable social, dietary, and environmental habits, deserves protection. Safeguarding this species and its habitat is fundamental to our mission of promoting environmental justice. With Fairness Magazine, we will continue to explore and support the conservation of other species in the future, as we firmly believe that harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature is essential for a fairer and more sustainable world.

The Crucial Importance of Protected Species in Nature

Often, we hear about wildlife conservation, but do we really know what it is? And which species (besides the Capybara mentioned earlier) belong to this group? Below, we will discuss the crucial importance of protected species in nature, and which ones are absolutely untouchable by humans today, especially those species that are endangered and need protection. Our planet is rich in biodiversity, and each species plays a unique and important role in the ecosystem where it lives.

Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) – Country: Russia, China

The Siberian tiger is one of the largest and most fascinating creatures in the world. It inhabits the remote regions of Northern Asia and is an extremely endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching. Its conservation is essential for maintaining balance in taiga ecosystems.

Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) – Country: China

The giant panda is the symbol of wildlife conservation and represents our commitment to protecting animals and their habitats. These bears are found only in certain mountainous regions of China and are vulnerable due to deforestation and habitat destruction.

African Elephant (Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis) – Status: Several African nations

African elephants are essential to African ecosystems. They are threatened by illegal hunting for ivory and habitat destruction. Their protection is crucial for maintaining ecological balance in Africa.

Grey Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) – Country: United States, Mexico, Canada

Gray whales are enormous marine mammals that migrate along the coasts of North America. They are vulnerable to collisions with vessels and accidental entanglement in fishing nets. Their protection is essential for ocean conservation.

Orangutan in Sumatra (Pongo abelii) e Orangutan in Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) – Stato: Indonesia e Malaysia

Orangutans are the largest primates in the world and share 98% of our DNA. Deforestation and illegal trafficking of infants pose serious threats to these species. Their protection is crucial for the survival of the rainforests in Southeast Asia.

Sea turtle (various species) – Status: Global Oceans

Sea turtles are fascinating marine creatures found in all the world’s oceans. They are threatened by bycatch, marine pollution, and coastal habitat destruction. Their conservation is essential for the health of marine ecosystems.

These are just some of the protected and endangered species present in our world. Each species has a unique role within the ecosystem, and their survival is intertwined with our own existence. As veterinarians, conservationists, and citizens of the planet, it is our duty to protect these wonderful creatures and the habitats they live in. Our commitment to conservation is an investment in our own survival and in the beauty of the nature surrounding us. Let’s continue working together to preserve and protect the protected species of our Earth.

Ig – @fairness_mag

