HEALTHPhytotherapy's Influence on Human Health Throughout Evolution

Phytotherapy’s Influence on Human Health Throughout Evolution [point of the day]

The holistic aspect of diseases is still a relatively new concept for humans and their current evolutionary stage. Human consciousness still identifies with form, with the objective world perceived by the five senses.

“This is the great mistake of our time… Physicians keep the soul separate from the body.” (Platone)

From this perspective, the first step to take is to realize that we are not entirely aware of ourselves. By somehow becoming aware of living in unconsciousness, one begins to feel the need to acquire greater awareness of our actions and thoughts, to “awaken“. Thus begins a sort of process or real struggle to emerge from this state.

Therefore, rediscovering ourselves, what we really are, also means accepting what we consider to be our dark side, which we often unconsciously deny. By accepting it, we can direct it towards harmonization, the basis for serenity, balance, and consequently, psychological, and physical health. Before a greater awareness can occur, leading to a change in the individual and making them become a “newborn“, there is therefore a period of labor, crisis, and disturbances expressed through physical and mental illnesses, understood as neuroses, which indicate the approach of this event towards which humans would naturally tend. He suffers until he understands that he has reached a crucial point in his life, for which he must make choices, consciously orienting himself towards his evolution. What might be the drawbacks of our resistance to the natural evolutionary flow? There could be many, including chronic dissatisfaction and depression that can lead to real diseases. The personality is afraid to grow, to progress, to suffer, and it resists this process; the deep Self sends messages, often unheard, until it leads the being to a “breakdown“, illness, which hides a message for change.

Human beings are aggregates of energies that manifest at various vibrational levels. Man, not only has a material, solid, visible body, but also other subtle bodies, true fields of force, within which the causes of illness may be hidden.

Even official medicine with psychosomatics is slowly opening up to less materialistic and mechanistic interpretations. Depending on the organ or function affected, there is a particular problem, a different conflict, a specific error to be identified. There is, so to speak, a language, a symbolism, that must be interpreted, and even with introspective work, we must learn to decipher it.

In this context, in my opinion, herbal medicine fits fully as an aid, support for the “struggles”, and therefore for the individuation process that humans are called to face.

The term “herbal medicine” derives from the Greek “phytòn“, which means “plant“, but at the same time also “creature“; it is interesting to note how this dual meaning hides a deep concept. The root, in fact, comes from the verb “phyto” (to generate and be generated), which indicates the process of fertility, of creation.

Health, seen from this perspective, can be defined as an experience of well-being resulting from a dynamic physical, biological, and psychological balance of the organism, without forgetting its interactions with its natural and social surrounding environment.

Medicinal plants, like human beings, are an organic and functional whole that develops in the same habitat as humans, and their constituents, their active principles, phytocomplexes, understood as sets that I define as “intelligent“, are not just a random mixture of molecules waiting to be exploited at our pleasure. They are intelligent because the chosen plant or plants as remedies contain not only the active principle that carries out the main action but also the true phytocomplex and other active substances that synergistically support the main action of the active principle.

A dear Bolivian “curandero” friend told me that plants “do what they must do and go where they must go”

Plants, like living beings, should be understood as endowed with energy that manifests through their physiology, whose chemical constituents are the final material and concrete expression of their highly energetic activity. Plants manufacture sugars from carbon dioxide and water through chlorophyll photosynthesis, exploiting photon energy and transforming it into a primary metabolic product that contains this energy.

Ig – @fairness_mag

