Italian Generation Alpha uses some English words to communicate

The Rise of Italenglish: Understanding the Language Patterns of Generation Alpha

This story is known to few: ‘I would put my hand in the fire for it!’

Unveiling Hidden Truths: Explore the untold narrative of loyalty and conviction in "This Story Is Known to Few," where unwavering faith is tested amidst secrecy and uncertainty

Blue jeans: when a word sounds American but actually has an all-Italian heart!

From Italian Origins to Global Phenomenon: Explore the journey of "Blue Jeans," a quintessentially American concept with roots tracing back to Italian heritage and ingenuity

“Scotch.Pile.Smoking”.Caccia alle parole straniere che..non esistono! (o quasi)

Come abbiamo imparato in queste settimane, le lingue sono ricche di sfumature e peculiarità che spesso sfuggono alla nostra attenzione,  già abbastanza provata dal...