Dry leaves are not waste!

Autumn, with its blanket of dry leaves, takes us back in time. Those childhood days when we raked leaves represent a precious memory, but...

The Olive Oil Co. The Excellence of Italian Olive Oil in London

The olive harvest is an ancient tradition deeply rooted in the picturesque regions of Southern Italy, with a particular emphasis on Puglia, a land...

Why Cacti Won’t Save Your Life

For generations, there has been a deeply rooted belief that cacti have the magical power to absorb harmful X-rays. This belief has sparked interest...

The enemy of good wine? Phylloxera!

Phylloxera, a tiny insect resembling aphids, has been a transformative force in the wine industry. Originating from Eastern North America, it arrived in Europe...

The Guinness World Records of Nature

The beauty and diversity of the plant kingdom are a constant source of wonder. From the majestic sequoias of California to the delicate orchids...